Saturday, October 13, 2007

My life with Christ and walking with a limp.

Deciding to give blogging a try, I've determined to specifically blog about my struggle to become Christ-like. This is not a new struggle for me...just one I am weary of hiding. I do not find any of Christ's teachings simple or easy and struggle to live like He would have me live. I feel like Jacob most of the time: wrestling with someone who will not fully reveal Himself to me, asking Him to bless me, and winding up walking with a limp. If this doesn't sound like the Christianity you have experienced this may not be the site for you. (Here is one that may be better suited: However, if this resonates in your soul...maybe we could walk (limp) together through this beautiful messed up life trusting in the value of the treasure that we find in Christ when we seek Him with all of our heart. (Who knows...maybe we'll find healing, peace, and love in divine hip dislocation.)

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